Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yes, I am sure.

As you can tell by my blog title, I consider my animals my babies.  I made the decision a couple of years back that I do not want children.  Without getting into the boring details of why I made that decision, I am pretty open about my lack of desire to procreate.  Luckily for me, my parents are completely cool with not having a grandchild or two since I am the only child.  As a bonus, my boyfriend also has no desire to be a father so I don't have to worry about that. 

It doesn't mean I don't like kids or those who have kids.  I just don't want my own.  I like having the freedom of giving them back to their parents when I had my "baby" fix.  I find the reaction of those who I tell that I have no desire to be a parent quite comical.  I often get the reponse, " you will change your mind once you have one."  No shit sherlock...  of course, I would love and care for my child.  I know they are not like a pair shoes you can return back to the store.  The whole point is not to get myself into that situation.  Besides I have a 18 month old husky that requires more attention and love than 5 children combined -more on him later.

So my blog is intended to be light hearted and fun.  A place where I can share my stories about the funny stuff my animals do. 

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